Steamboat NATCHEZ Hosts Annual Sailing with Santa

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Dec 2, 2012

Santa collects toys for local battered women and children’s shelters before heading to the North Pole
WHO:                    Santa Claus and the Steamboat NATCHEZ
                                This event is open to the public and free with the donation of a new, unwrapped gift.

WHAT:                  Steamboat NATCHEZ Sailing with Santa cruise and holiday toy and essential needs drive for women and their children (ages infant to 17 years) of New Orleans’ area battered women’s shelters
WHEN:                  Sunday, December  2
Toy drop-off begins: 1:30 p.m.                   
Boarding: 2 p.m.
                                Cruise: 2:30 p.m.
WHERE:               Steamboat NATCHEZ (Toulouse Street & the Mississippi River)            
WHY:                     The Steamboat NATCHEZ invites children of all ages to take a ride down the Mississippi River for the annual Sailing with Santa cruise. The Steamboat will be dressed in its holiday best and everyone will have an opportunity to take a picture with jolly ole Saint Nick before boarding the boat. Santa will be collecting new, unwrapped toys that he will deliver to local battered women’s shelters before making his way up to the North Pole to prepare for Christmas. In true Louisiana fashion, Papillion, a Cajun storyteller and musician will make an appearance and delight children from one to 92 with tales of a Cajun Christmas. The cruise is free for anyone donating a new, unwrapped gift.
For more information about the Steamboat NATCHEZ and to make other reservations, please call (504) 569-1401 or visit