Wild Azalea Trail Challenge

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Jan 7, 2017
 Wild Azalea Trail Challenge
Time: 6:00AM

This event is for all who appreciate the “old school way” of running and biking trails and suits primarily the intermediate to advance level of trail runner/biker. The Wild Azalea is a well-maintained and mapped trail system, so navigation will be quite easy and reasonable. The trail includes visible 1/2 mile markers. 

There will be 6 participant classes: 13, 27 or 50 Mile Ultra Individual; 27 or 50 Mile Mountain Bike; 27 Mile Bike/Run Duathlon. First leg of duathlon will bike 15 miles while the 2nd leg will run 12 miles. The duathlon exchange point will be at the intersection of the Azalea Trail and Louisiana Hwy 488 (Twin Bridges Rd). This is the same location as the beginning of the 1/2 marathon. We will provide transportation for those needing transport to this point and we will transport your bike back to the finish line. This area will also be the location of an aid station. Mountain Bike and Duathlon Division will go off approximately 30 minutes before runners

 The Wild Azalea Trail carries the honor of being the longest Running/Hiking trail in the state. It runs from the town of Woodworth to Valentine Lake in Gardner. Along the trail you will pass through a variety of ecosystems. Parts of the trail are lower with hardwoods and lazy creeks creating a beautiful backdrop to your adventure. Other parts are higher and hillier with the Longleaf Pines gracing your path to the Finish line. 

All 50 Mile Ultra runner participants must meet at Valentine Lake Campground entrance on race day no later than 5:30 am for the 6:00 am start. All 27 Mile Ultra and Mt. Bike participants need to be at the Valentine Lake Campground by 7:00 am. You will then be shuttled (last shuttle leaves at 7:30 sharp) first to the relay exchange point (for relay 2nd leg) and finally the start line in Woodworth, Louisiana, for last minute discussions and start. Mt. Bike and Duathlon Division will begin at 8:00 am followed by the 27 Mile Ultra at 8:30. You will be provided a MAP of the trail and locations of the self-service aid stations which we plan on placing approximately every 4-5 miles along the trail. It would be advisable for you to pack your cell phone in case of an emergency. We will provide contact numbers so we can get to you as quickly as possible. 

Camping: For those wanting to camp, space is available at the Valentine Lake Campground located ½ mile from the race Start/Finish. 

Food, Beer and Bragging will abound at the Finish Line!! Awards/T-shirt, etc.: 

13 & 27 Mile and duathlon Finishers will receive a finisher’s t-shirt and medal confirming your bragging rights. 50 Mile finishers will receive a t-shirt and medal and extreme bragging rights

Venue:  Kisatchie National Forest, Valentine Lake
Address:  Alexandria, LA
Admission Cost:

$ 30.00 - 1/2 Marathon Run 

$ 40.00- 27 Mile Ultra Run or Bike 

$ 40.00- 27 Mile Ultra Duathlon

$ 60.00- 50 Mile Ultra Trail Run or Bike

Web:  Sign Up