Perhaps No Kitchen Connection but Lots of Cultcha


 So today I enjoyed the dubious pleasure of visiting the Office of Motor Vehicles to replace my driver's license, which I lost on Friday to the most unwelcome experience of being releived of my handbag during a robbery. Hearing the lines were relatively short, I visited the OMV  in Westwego, which I guess qualifies as a fishing community but I am not sure. It is only 15 miles or so from Orleans parish but it seems a world away. The OMV in Westwego shares a small building with the community's City Hall, City Council chamber, Police Department and probably several other municipal agencies I overlooked. 

I took my number and stood in the usual cattle call line, awaiting my turn to surrender my money to replace the driver's licene that was stolen from me. I was  pretty pissed off about the whole thing but the situation was leavened a bit when I noticed the town's banner flag hanging proundly behind the City Council's gathering area. At its center the royal blue flag bore the image of a shrimping trawler. The trawler was encircled by oyster shells. Only in Louisiana. It's a part of the cultcha. It was perfect.

Wanting to share this visiage with you, I funbled in my new handbag for my camera. No camera. The thieves took it with the old handbag. Unfortunately, that's a part of our cultcha, too.