Oak Alley Annual Spring Arts and Crafts Festival
Louisiana Recipes Weekly
Mar 16, 2013 to Mar 17, 2013
PHONE: 225 265-2151
EMAIL: ContactUs@OakAlleyPlantation.com
WEBSITE: http://www.OakAlleyPlantation.com
CONTACT: Debra Mayhew
Oak Alley Plantation
3645 Highway 18 (Great River Road)
Vacherie, LA 70090
DATE: Mar 16 & 17 2013
TIME: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Shop 170 incredible booths of artists, crafts, food, and snacks along with activities for kids, music, and more. Items on display feature original and handmade creations such as jewelry, furniture, clothing, home accessories, paintings and prints, pottery, wooden crafts, and toys. Only $5 to enter the Festival (9 and under free!), and visitors may tour our historic mansion for an additional fee. More information: http://www.FaceBook.com/OakAlleyPlantation.