Order Promotional Copies of Louisiana Kitchen Magazine

Hi, if you would like to receive complementary copies of Louisiana Kitchen magazine to give away to your visitors you can place your order here.  

To qualify to receive promotional copies you must be a Louisiana Convention and Visitor's Bureau, Bed & Breakfast, or Hotel. You may not sell these but agree they are to be given as courtesy copies for your visitors or guests or to be made available for guests to borrow and read.

We ask, if you can find it in your budget, to help defer shipping costs (optional but much appreciated) - just check the box below and we will arrange payment of .35/per copy to be billed.

If you have any questions please email us or call our office, 504.208.9959

 If you wish to sell our magazine in your retail shop go here To order Louisiana Kitchen magazine


Name of person expecting order.
Please use full zip plus 4 digit extension(optional if you don't know)
The number of promotional copies you would like to provide for your guests or visitors.
If you mark the box Yes. You agree to contribute .35/copy to help defer cost of shipping. We will bill you later for the charge.