Navy White Bean Soup
Soups & Stews
Recipe courtesy of "The New Orleans Cookbook" by Rima and Richard Collin
Serves 8
Note: Because commercially sold sausage tends to be fatty, pan grill the sausage briefly and drain well before adding to pot. |
Navy White Bean Soup
Drain your beans in collander and put them along with al other ingredients into a heavy 8 to 10 quart pat.
Bring to boil over hgh heat then lower heat to simmer for 3 hours.The beans should be very soft and the soup thick.
Remove the ham bones and visible chunkc of meat with a slotted spoon, discard.
Strains the oup through a coarse sieve.
Remove all the beans from the sieve and return them to the liquid.
Warm over low heat for 8 to 10 minutes and serve.
Louisiana Recipes Weekly