9 Sep 2014

Whole Grain Storage Chart

Submitted by admin

How long your grains stay fresh at home can depend largely on how much of their shelf life has already been used up at the warehouse and the store, before you bring them home. This means there are no sure-fire absolute guarantees. Here are some guidelines culled from a variety of experts that may help.Following information courtesy of Whole Grains Council.


Intact Whole Grain

(berries or groats)

Whole Grain Flour/Meal



Pantry: 4 months

Freezer: 8 months

Pantry: 2 months

Freezer: 4 months 


Pantry: 6 months

Freezer: 1 year

Pantry: 3 months

Freezer: 6 months

Brown/colored rice

Pantry: 6 months

Freezer: 1 year

Pantry: 3 months

Freezer: 6 months 


Pantry: 2 months

Freezer: 4 months 

Pantry: 1 month

Freezer: 2 months


Pantry: 6 months

Freezer: 1 year

Pantry: 3 months

Freezer: 6 months


Pantry: 6 months

Freezer: 1 year

Pantry: 3 months

Freezer: 6 months


Pantry: 2 months

Freezer: 4 months 

Pantry: 1 month

Freezer: 2 months


Pantry: 4 months

Freezer: 8 months

Pantry: 2 months

Freezer: 4 months


Pantry: 4 months

Freezer: 8 months

Pantry: 2 months

Freezer: 4 months 


Pantry: 6 months

Freezer: 1 year

Pantry: 3 months

Freezer: 6 months


Pantry: 4 months

Freezer: 8 months

Pantry: 2 months

Freezer: 4 months 


Pantry: 6 months

Freezer: 1 year

Pantry: 3 months

Freezer: 6 months


Pantry: 4 months

Freezer: 8 months

Pantry: 2 months

Freezer: 4 months


Pantry: 6 months

Freezer: 1 year

Pantry: 3 months

Freezer: 6 months

Wild Rice

Pantry: 4 months

Freezer: 8 months

Pantry: 2 months

Freezer: 4 months

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